vi peel

Unlike other chemical peels available for clients, VI peels target skin problems at  the cellular level instead of just removing the outer layer of the skin. The blend of  acids in the VI peel allows it to penetrate deep into the dermal layer. A VI peel  contains a synergistic blend of five acids. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) aids in  penetration, healing of deep scars, and the stimulation and production of collagen.  Retin-A, derived from vitamin A, helps to treat and reduce wrinkles. A VI peel  also contains salicylic acid which acts as an excellent exfoliant. The VI peel also  contains phenol, which has antiseptic as well as anesthetic properties, and Vitamin  C, which is an excellent antioxidant and exfoliating agent. 

Benefits of a VI peel

Improves skin texture, tone, and clarity

Diminishes the appearance of age spots, sunspots, and freckles

Reduces hyperpigmentation and signs of UV aging

Treats melasma and chronic acne

Softens fine lines and wrinkles and clears acne

Requires little to no downtime

Stimulates the production of collagen resulting in firmer and more youthful looking skin

How it works

A VI Peel is a medium strength peel that penetrates deep into the dermal layer. VI  Peels are made up of a blend of ingredients that include: 

  • Ttrichloroacetic acid (TCA): 10 to 12 % 
  • Phenol: 10 to 12% 
  • salicylic acid: 10 to 12% 
  • vitamin C: 4% 
  • Tretinoin: 0.1 to 0.4% 

VI Peels are gentle enough that they can safely be used on your face, chest, eyelids,  hands, and back. This peel is formulated for use on all skin types and skin tones. This  peel is also safe to use in areas that are usually avoided due to their sensitivity like  the tissue surrounding the eyes, neck, chest, and hands. There is virtually no  downtime, it is virtually pain free, and patients can see beautiful skin in  approximately one week.

What to expect from VI peel?

A VI peel performed at Regenesis Medical Spa requires no preconditioning. The  entire procedure lasts about 30 minutes. The VI peel solution is applied to cleansed  skin and is left in place for a minimum of five hours. After the VI peel solution  dries, the client may leave the office and remove this peel at home. It is normal for  clients to feel a mild tingling sensation that typically subsides within a few minutes  after the VI peel has been applied. The peeling expected from a VI Peel is greatest  on days 3-5 following the treatment, although a period 10-14 days should be  allotted to allow a full recovery.