PRP Therapy
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy has emerged as a popular treatment for skin rejuvenation and hair restoration within the medical spa setting. PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) therapy harnesses the regenerative properties of platelets, which are well-known for their ability to stimulate cell reproduction, tissue regeneration, and collagen production to promote skin rejuvenation and address a variety of cosmetic skin concerns. PRP contains a mixture of concentrated platelets, plasma cells, cytokines, and specific growth factors that are derived from your own blood. Platelets are well-known for their clotting abilities, but they also contain growth factors that trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration and repair. PRP also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. PRP can be injected into an injury site to stimulate the healing process.

PRP facial treatments, or “vampire facials” combine two therapies to supercharge your facial treatment. Combining micro needling with a plasma “serum” rich in growth factors enhances collagen production and triggers the release of growth factors which improve skin tone and texture, leaving skin looking younger, smoother, with a healthier glow. PRP facial rejuvenation injections provide a natural alternative to procedures such as Botox or dermal fillers. As we age, collagen levels decrease, leading to the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. By boosting collagen and elastin production, PRP therapy helps to restore a more youthful appearance.
The growth factors present in PRP stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, which promote a smoother and more even complexion. Treatments are particularly effective in addressing acne scars, UV sun damage, and hyperpigmentation, restoring radiance to skin’s appearance. In addition to its cosmetic benefits for the skin, PRP therapy has shown restorative benefits in hair regrowth. By injecting PRP into the scalp, it can stimulate hair follicles, promote hair regrowth, and improve hair thickness and density. This makes PRP therapy a viable option for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning. Further, PRP treatments can be combined with other cosmetic treatments offered in medical spas. PRP injections can enhance the results of procedures such as micro-needling, laser skin treatments, and dermal fillers.
How it works
PRP therapy involves extracting a small amount of blood from the patient, which is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma component from the red blood cells. The concentrated PRP, or platelet rich fraction which is loaded with platelets can be injected into target areas of the skin or used in combination with micro-needling for better absorption and penetration. The activation of the concentrated platelets in platelet-rich plasma releases growth factors and other bioactive substances that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces. This significantly enhances the body’s natural healing process. PRP acts as a matrix to stimulate collagen and elastin production directly beneath the skin. Collagen and elastin are responsible for firming skin and for allowing it to ‘snap’ back in place after being stretched. Reduced levels of these essential proteins cause skin to wrinkle and sag as we age. By stimulating new production of these structural proteins, we can turn back the clock on the aging of our skin.

Benefits of PRP therapy
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
Smooths fine lines and wrinkles
Tightens sagging skin
Brightens uneven skin tone
Stimulates collagen and elastin production
Helps restore volume loss
Improves Crow feet and dark under eye circles
Minimizes acne scarring
Improves rough, uneven skin texture
Promotes thick, healthy hair growth
Some mild discomfort may be experienced while PRP is being injected. The sensation typically is described as a burning or tingling sensation. This sensation only lasts a few minutes. We ensure our patients are comfortable throughout the entire PRP procedure and apply a topical numbing cream prior to the procedure and use ice to alleviate any discomfort. After a microneedling treatment with PRP, you can expect some degree of redness, swelling, and minor skin sensitivity. These effects are usually temporary and subside within a few days.
Clients may experience some soreness, tenderness, and bruising after an injection, but recovery is quick. Following PRP microneedling, you should avoid intense activity or sun exposure for at least 48 to 72 hrs post-treatment, allowing any redness or swelling to subside. Makeup application should be avoided for twenty-four hours after the treatment, and it is recommended to follow the post-treatment care instructions provided.
PRP treatments take between 60 to 90 minutes to perform. This depends on if the PRP is performed through injections only, and/or micro-needled into the skin. This time frame includes 30 minutes for the blood to be drawn and spun in the centrifuge, and topical numbing cream to be applied to the treatment area.
Patients notice tightening and a more even tone to their skin appears within a week or two following PRP treatment. These results continue to improve over a period of 6 months after treatment.
PRP can be used to treat any area of the body. PRP is most popularly used to treat the face and neck and is administered to the scalp in hair restoration treatments.
There is minimal downtime associated with PRP treatments. After your treatment, your skin may appear red. This is normal and to be expected. Any redness typically resolves within 24 hours. You may also notice slight swelling in some areas. Due to this, some clients desire to be treated towards the end of the week, so they have the weekend to recover. Healing time varies from patient to patient. Healing may take longer if PRP injections are paired with a micro-needling treatment. The recovery time required with a micro-needling depends on the needle depth and the amount of pressure applied during the treatment. With stronger more aggressive treatments, the healing period could last five to seven days, and for a light refresher, two to three days.
Results can be seen after one treatment, but the exact numbers of treatments needed varies from patient to patient. A series of 2 to 3 treatments is recommended, but more may be indicated for some clients depending on the severity of their skin concerns.
PRP used for aesthetic procedures are safe for most individuals. A PRP injection is a low-risk procedure and does not usually cause major side effects. Because PRP uses your own cells and plasma, the risk of an allergic reaction is extremely low. Treatments are performed using sterile technique, so the risk of infection is extremely low. The procedure involves a blood draw, so you should make sure you are hydrated and have eaten beforehand to prevent feeling lightheaded. After the procedure, you may experience some soreness and bruising at the injection site.
PRP facial rejuvenation is effective for all skin types (Fitzpatrick I-VI) and ages. PRP facial rejuvenation is an excellent treatment option for both men and women who are just beginning to explore anti-aging and skin rejuvenation. Additionally, PRP facials are great for people looking to maintain healthy skin or enhance their complexion before a big event. During your consultation, Dr Hudson will perform an assessment to ensure you are a suitable candidate for PRP treatment. There are very few contraindications with PRP treatment. Patients with certain health conditions such as hepatic and blood disease are not a candidate for PRP treatment. Also, patients who are pregnant are not candidates for PRP treatment.
Results vary by patient. For some clients, the effects can wear off in as little as 3 months. For others, treatments may only be required every 6 to 9 months to maintain a smoother, younger looking complexion. The effects of PRP treatments can be seen for many years after treatment; however, these results vary due to an individual’s natural variation in quality of Platelet Rich Plasma, as well as their lifestyle, age, and current health condition. Although we cannot halt the aging process, we can slow it down. After completing an entire treatment plan with proper aftercare, you should see results for up to three years. Following your aftercare instructions and regular skincare regimen will help you see optimal results about three months after the initial treatment. Results from PRP injections can be extended with a proper skincare regimen including use of sunscreen, and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle consisting of a balanced nutrient rich diet and regular exercise. PRP facial treatments, with or without microneedling, can be performed every six to nine months to maintain and renew your results. What is ideal about PRP treatments is that since it uses your body’s natural healing properties, you can schedule repeat treatments as soon as you notice your results fading.