Laser Vein Treatment

Spider veins or telangiectasias are often a cosmetic concern for many  clients, making them self-conscious about their skin’s appearance. These  small blood vessels are caused by a variety of factors, including  heredity, UV sun damage, pregnancy and other conditions that involve  changes in hormone levels. Skin conditions like Rosacea, weight gain,  long periods of standing, and certain medications can also contribute to  their development. Laser therapy is a proven option for treating  unsightly broken and dilated blood vessels, as well as other unwanted  vascular lesions, such as port wine stains and reddish birthmarks. Laser  vein treatments at Regenesis can enable you to obtain clearer and more  attractive skin.

How it works

Laser vein removal is an advanced cosmetic skin treatment designed to  remove or minimize unwanted visible veins using laser therapy. It uses a  focused beam of light to heat up small vessels and destroy them without  harming the nearby skin and tissues. Within a few weeks, the body  reabsorbs the vessel, and it disappears. Laser treatments can minimize  the appearance of spider veins that are commonly found on the legs,  feet, and face.  

At Regenesis, Dr. Hudson utilizes Cynosure’s Palomar Icon Max G and  the Cutera PICO Genesis™ laser to treat a broad range of vessels  ranging from tiny spider veins to deep blue reticular veins quickly and  safely with minimal downtime and without bruising.  

Spider veins or telangiectasias are often a cosmetic concern for many  clients, making them self-conscious about their skin’s appearance. These  small blood vessels are caused by a variety of factors, including  heredity, UV sun damage, pregnancy and other conditions that involve  changes in hormone levels. Skin conditions like Rosacea, weight gain,  long periods of standing, and certain medications can also contribute to  their development. Laser therapy is a proven option for treating  unsightly broken and dilated blood vessels, as well as other unwanted  vascular lesions, such as port wine stains and reddish birthmarks. Laser  vein treatments at Regenesis can enable you to obtain clearer and more  attractive skin.


This simple procedure can usually be completed in less than 20 minutes.  Most patients do not require anesthesia or topical anesthetic. However, a  topical anesthetic may be applied to the skin. Dr. Hudson will move a  hand-held laser device over the treatment area. During treatment, you  may feel a tingling sensation or slight snapping sensation in the area  being treated. After treatment, your skin may be reddish or slightly  bruised, and you may feel a bump on the skin. These side effects should  dissipate after a few days. 

Your results will not be noticeable right away. After treatment, slight  reddening and local swelling of the skin may be noted. These side  effects should dissipate after a few days. Gradually, the veins become  lighter in color, and then begin to disappear. You should see noticeable  results in 2 to 6 weeks. When larger veins are treated, a tan or brownish  pigment may develop and persist for a few weeks or months following  treatment.

The number of treatments required depends on the number, color and  size of the vessels to be treated. Typically, 1-5 treatments are necessary  to obtain optimal results. Treatments are spaced 2-4 weeks apart. Most  patients find that the majority of treated veins show significant  improvement within two to six weeks of treatment. Treatment leaves the  treated area much clearer, with results that continue to improve with  additional treatments. Ultimate results, however, may not be apparent  for several months. Over time, of course, it is possible for new veins to  appear which can be treated.


*Individual results may vary with different patient experiences.  

*A series of treatments may be required for desired results.