IPL PhotofacIal with Microinfusion Facial Treatment

Experience the rejuvenating effects of this dual microneedling skin treatment which harnesses the power of platelets and natural growth factors sourced from your own blood. This combined dual skin revitalizing skin treatment targets UV sun damage and diminishes the size of skin pores. While IPL targets issues near the surface of the skin, the microinfusion treatment works its magic throughout the deeper layers of the skin. This synergistic effect of combining these two treatments offers intensive skin rejuvenation, allowing a variety of concerns to be addressed during a single session. This treatment offers comprehensive anti-Aging: benefits. IPL targets signs of aging near the surface, while microinfusion works at a deeper cellular level. Together, they provide a comprehensive approach to combating wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. This treatment reduces redness. IPL helps manage redness and rosacea, while microinfusion can improve the overall health of the skin, making it more resilient and less prone to flushing and irritation. By promoting collagen production and cellular rejuvenation, the combination of these treatments leads to a healthier, more youthful complexion with improved texture and tone.

IPL Photofacial with Microinfusion skin treatments performed at Regenesis are ideal for clients seeking transformative improvement in the cosmetic appearance of their skin. Whether you are dealing with fine lines, redness, or simply looking to rejuvenate your skin, this combination treatment offers a path to radiant, youthful, and healthierlooking skin. In one visit, multiple problems such as sunspots, broken veins, fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars on the face and body can be addressed, all with minimal downtime.

Combining both treatments enhances each of their skin revitalizing properties and enables various skin concerns to be addressed simultaneously. Microneedling improves product absorption and penetration (e.g. topical skin serums), making IPL more effective, resulting in enhanced level of skin rejuvenation and a more balanced approach to skincare.

IPL PhotofacIal with Microinfusion Facial Treatment

How it works

IPL uses broad-spectrum light to target pigmented areas and blood vessels, promoting collagen production and rejuvenating the skin. Microinfusion utilizes tiny microneedles to create controlled microinjuries on the skin’s surface, stimulating collagen and elastin production which improves the cosmetic appearance of the skin. Contained within the microneedles of the microinfusion device are tiny microtubules which allow topical skin serums to be deposited beneath the skin.

After the skin is prepped and a topical numbing cream is applied for thirty minutes, an IPL photofacial treatment is first performed. The handheld device is passed across the skin’s surface delivering pulses of broad-spectrum light to the deep layers of the skin. Pigment within the skin absorbs light energy, which is converted into heat. The heat damages the pigment and immediately raises any dark spots to the top layer of the skin. Patients are provided safety eye protection during this treatment to protect their vision.

Next, a Microinfusion / micro needling device is used to stamp and deposit a custom blend of hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and skin serums, which are stamped and deposited into the skin to create improved skin texture, reduce the size and appearance of skin pores, and provide an overall luminous glow. Our signature medical grade skin serum cocktail contains hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, tranexamic acid, niacinamide, copper peptide, and epidermal growth factor which are deposited beneath the skin surface ensuring optimal delivery. The enhanced penetration of skin nutrients serum promotes healing and optimizes skin rejuvenating results. Some pinpoint bleeding may occur depending on the severity of the area being treated.



Three to four treatments spaced four weeks apart are recommended: however, there are no limits to the number of treatments clients can receive. The number of treatments required depends on the severity and issues of the skin being treated.

IPL treatments typically involve minimal downtime, with mild redness and swelling that subsides within a day or two. The IPL Face Treatment portion of this treatment will immediately darken any brown spots which will fade or flake off within a week leaving behind smooth, eventoned skin. The microinfusion / microneedling treatment may require a few additional days of recovery, with mild redness and peeling. Even then, the downtime is comparatively shorter than more invasive procedures. Avoiding picking at or scrubbing off the dark spots. Keep the treated areas well protected from sun exposure, wear sunscreen with an SPF minimum 30 and reapply diligently if outdoors for extended periods. In between treatments, avoid self-tanners and retinol/Retin-A one week prior to treatment.

The combination of both the IPL photofacial and microinfusion treatment is considered safe and effective. Some clients may experience swelling, discomfort at the treatment site, redness, bruising and tightness, however, these side effects typically dissipate quickly, within a few days to a week. While more uncommon, pinpoint bleeding can occur after a deeper treatment.

The longevity of the results for IPL and Microneedling treatments vary slightly. After IPL, the effects typically last around six months to a year, depending on individual skin conditions and maintenance. In contrast, Microneedling tends to have longer-lasting results. The collagen induction from Microneedling can continue to improve skin texture and tone for up to two years after the treatment, making it a more enduring option for those seeking sustained skin rejuvenation. Regular follow-up sessions are recommended for both treatments to optimize and prolong the results.


*Individual results may vary with different patient experiences.  

*A series of treatments may be required for desired results.