Chemical Peels

Reveal fresh, brighter, and more youthful skin appearing through a series of chemical peels. Chemical peels can be extremely transformative in their ability to rejuvenate and resurface the skin. Treatments visibly improve skin texture and the appearance of sun damaged skin by removing the thin top layer of dead skin to reveal smoother, brighter, and healthier skin. During this treatment, A chemical solution is applied to the skin which causes it to exfoliate and “peel off” the outer layers, encouraging a faster rate of collagen production to occur naturally. The new, regenerated skin is smoother and less wrinkled in appearance.

Chemical peels are an excellent solution to treating a wide range of skin concerns. They help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and repair and reverse the signs of sun damage involving the face, neck, and hands. Chemical peels can be used to treat and improve acne. As well as improve the appearance of scars. They are also ideal at correcting pigmentation issues such as hyperpigmentation, melasma, and age spots. Besides addressing these skin concerns, chemical peels also stimulate the growth of fresh, new skin which improves skin tone and the overall texture and appearance of your skin, giving you a beautiful glow.

At Regenesis, we offer a variety of medical grade chemical peels which can be selected based upon your individual skin type and specific skin concerns. These range from superficial to intermediate in depth. Dr Hudson will discuss the types of chemical peels available with you, your medical history, and your skin goals to determine which chemical peel is right for you. Typically, the deeper the peel, the greater the results, but deeper peels are also associated with longer recovery periods and a higher risk of developing side effects.

How it works

Skin is comprised of two layers. The outer layer is called the epidermis, while the deeper layer is referred to as the dermal layer. Chemical peels work by applying a chemical solution onto the top layer of skin which reacts with the dead skin cells, causing the skin to peel and new skin to form. The exfoliation of dead skin cells on the outer layer of the skin leads to increased production of the structural protein collagen, which, in turn, improves skin tone and texture. The exfoliation of the skin can be superficial or more dramatic depending on the depth of the chemical peel, as medium-depth peels and deep chemical peels can penetrate the dermis or inner layer of the skin. Chemical peels are an extremely popular cosmetic procedure not only due to the many anti-aging benefits of the treatment but also because superficial peels and medium-depth peels require no significant downtime. Superficial peels improve conditions such as acne, mild sun damage, and skin discoloration. Deeper peels which include TCA and phenol peels produce deeper injury within the dermal layer and reverse moderate to-severe photoaging and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In general, deeper peels offer the most dramatic results, but require longer recovery periods and carry a higher risk of complications including the potential for infection.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Exfoliate the outer layer of skin

Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Lighten areas of hyperpigmentation and other discolorations involving the skin

Improve the appearance of UV sun damaged skin, evening out skin tone

Diminish the appearance of acne scarring and other superficial scars

Reduce and resolve acne and blemish breakouts

Control excess oil

Soften rough skin

Treat melasma

Promote a smoother skin texture and more even skin tone

Refresh and invigorate the skin


A chemical peel solution will be applied to clean skin using a large  cotton applicator. A chemical peel works by exfoliating your facial skin  to improve texture and tone, resulting in smoother, brighter, clearer skin.  The face is the most common treatment zone, but the hands and neck  can also be restored to a more youthful, fresh appearance with a  chemical peel. 

Some of our medical-grade peels produce a mild stinging sensation.  Cold compresses or cold air can be used to minimize discomfort.  Remaining redness, skin peeling, or irritation typically clears after a few  days. The symptoms often reduce with repeated treatments. 

A soothing ointment or cream is applied, and Dr Hudson will advise the  best methods of supporting your new glowing, luminous skin, including  modifying your daily skincare routine. 

Some peels can cause mild redness, crusting, and stinging for a few days  following a treatment. Redness, skin peeling, or irritation typically clear  after a few days. These symptoms often diminish with repeated  treatments.  

After a few days, your skin will look noticeably fresher, smoother, and  more youthful looking. For more intense treatments, you may experience  minor swelling or a sensation of tightness. We advise keeping the skin  moisturized as the skin continues to peel. Please be aware that not while  you may not experience visible peeling after undergoing a chemical  peel, the chemical peel is working effectively removing the outer layer 

of your skin. Treated skin is more sensitive to the sun, so the use of  sunscreen and avoidance of sun exposure are paramount.  

Chemical peels are an excellent means of preparing the skin for laser  resurfacing treatments and improving the outcome of those procedures  as well.

types of peels

Regenesis Medical Spa offers an assortment of chemical skin peels  ranging from superficial to medium grade. These different chemical  peels produce various degrees of penetration to the skin After evaluating  your specific skin condition and concerns, Dr Hudson will select the best  chemical peel choice for your skin based upon your specific skin type  and desired results.


*Individual results may vary with different patient experiences.  

*A series of treatments may be required for desired results.